Many employers know the importance of conducting an exit interview. When the employee is on the way out the door, the employee is more likely to open
How Small Businesses Manage HR
When it comes to small businesses, one of the major characteristics of the HR department is that it’s usually just a few people, or maybe even just
Top Recruiting Solutions for Your Company
Professional Recruiting Services Your company wants to employ the best talent it can afford. But so does everyone else. How can you be sure your
What Does Interim HR Support Cover?
When your company needs an HR specialist but hiring more staff is not an option, consider procuring interim HR support. Interim HR support services
The Benefits of Talent Acquisition Services
What Are Talent Acquisition Services? Talent acquisition services are not just recruiting services. They consist of comprehensive, strategic planning
How to Hire An HR Services Firm
A Human Resources (HR) services firm can help your businesses navigate tricky employment laws, increase workforce productivity, help engage employees
Six HR Incentives To Engage Your Employees
When employees lose their enthusiasm for their jobs, business suffers. Over 50% of US workers are doing just enough to get by. What steps can your
Consultant Spotlight: Jen Paragas
Every so often, we feature one of our consultants and highlight their story to give you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into life at Smart HR. As always,
Employee Empowerment vs Entitlement
A topic we often encounter here at Smart HR is engagement. From how to create an effective employee engagement survey to why a high turnover