Now that your workforce has adjusted to remote work and you’ve amended your leave and PTO policies consistent with the FFCRA, you can take a breather
DOL Clarifies No Paid FFCRA Leave If Choosing Remote Learning
FFCRA Review On March 19, 2020, President Trump signed into law The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) that will remain effective
What Is Office Hoteling?
COVID-19 has turned traditional views of work and how it gets done upside down forcing companies to rethink and create new ways to continue business
When COVID-19 Goes Away, Should Your Employees Come Back?
Remote work is having its moment, albeit in a less than perfect way. COVID-19 shuttered businesses and quarantined workers. To keep operations
The Healing Power of Conversational Connectivity During COVID-19
There’s a lot of talking going on these days. Someone always seems to be talking about political leaders, racial injustice, the police, school
The COVID-19 Childcare Crisis
Have you updated your job descriptions lately? Do your working parents’ job descriptions include the essential functions of creating lesson plans,
Smart HR’s Strategic Approach to Reopening Businesses – Part 3
Fortunately, we are slowly entering the “post-COVID” world in which businesses are reopening and employees are returning to work. Reopening is
Smart HR’s Strategic Approach To Reopening Businesses – Part 2
As states continue to ease and, in some cases, lift stay-at-home orders, you are likely looking ahead to a day when your employees are back at the
Smart HR’s Strategic Approach To Reopening Businesses – Part 1
As Smart HR continues to partner with you during this challenging time, we will bring you information we think you’ll find helpful in dealing with the